Friday, October 20, 2006

In Response...

...To being able to "find men so easily"...

I think this is part of the reason why I have a hard time refusing encounters with guys. I spent so long not being desired. So long wanting and not being wanted that now that it's becoming a two-way street sometimes, I find myself incapable of saying no. I mean, I think to myself, "I shouldn't do this." Then that little me in a red halter dress pops up on my shoulder and says, "Hey, remember when nobody but creepy, ugly guys wanted you? You want this guy and he wants you." That halter dress is fucking irresistable and looking down at that little sexpot only serves to remind me how sexy I am all of a sudden...


Chris Walker said...

Is it possible to feel sexy in Boise, Idaho. I thought they had a law against that there. Ha. Ha. Not that Reno is any better.

K-La-La said...

Yeah, I'd probably be in big trouble if somebody actually wanted me... I'd go nuts. Already, all it takes is one kind deed and I'll be hanging upon a guy's every word. I'd do just about anything to please that person, so heaven help me when someone decides they want something physical.

SamSam said...

Oh, K-La, I'm sure they want you, but the guys you fall for are way too good to ask for it.

And yes, there is a law against feeling sexy in Boise. No wait. Nevermind. You're allowed to feel sexy, you're just not allowed to fornicate. Damn. I'm seriously in deep trouble.

adam said...

i have to say sam, i am a bit the same way. i was always the awkward zitty faggot. and in the gay world acne might as well be the bubonic plague. because of those years, i have yet to turn down anyone who shows interest. i have literally never turned anyone down who asked. lucky for me though, people rarely ask.

SamSam said...

Oh honey, I feel you. Because the truth is, women are the only people in the world who can look past zits. That's why hetero guys with zits could get laid in high school, but still turn down pock-marked chicks. I never got it. Sometimes I think straight men are pretty fucking lucky to have us, you know?